Monday, 25 June 2012

Two Meetings Down, One More To Go In Start Up Phase!


Our second meeting was a busy one! SAVO came along to help us through the CRB checks for volunteers, Nat and Robert from Suffolk Acre talked us through the phone holding routine, and how to match requests for help to volunteers, Jane updated us on the latest news, Nat took photos for our ID cards and we just about managed to answer everyone’s questions and fit in some lovely wine, cheese and home baked mini savoury quiches.

Once SAVO return the completed CRB checks we will have a core base of volunteers ready to go and everyone was asked to bring a friend along to the next meeting on 18th July (same time and place) so that we can add some more volunteers to give us a solid enough base to start publicising the scheme and offering help.

Here are a few of the things we learnt:

* we don’t share names and details between volunteers and those requesting help until the phone holder has found a volunteer that can do the task requested in the time slot outlined by the service requester

* it’s ok to say “no” – volunteers should not feel obliged to say yes when rung by the phone holder but they can help with a clear “yes” or “no” so the phone holder can either match the volunteer with the service request, or phone another volunteer

* we’re not an emergency service – if someone rings with a genuine emergency we should advise them to call the appropriate emergency service

* a volunteer with an hour a month to spare can make a big difference, as long as there are enough of us!

We’re in the process of building up a “frequently asked questions sheet” and, pending the next meeting we’ll be sorting out a bank account, insurance, the phone holders manual and a few other things!

Please come and join us on 18th July to find out more and help us put being a good neighbour into action!