Monday, 11 February 2013

Kesgrave Good Neighbour Scheme–Latest News




Below are extracts from our latest volunteer newsletter, edited to remove any personal details and confidential information.


We had a great turnout for the January meeting at The Bowls Pavilion and met 4 new “fully fledged” volunteers. A warm welcome and thanks to them. Their details are now included in the phone holders manual but please break them in gently! We have 3 more volunteers in the pipeline  Many thanks to them too for sticking their head above the parapet!

April Meeting – Saturday 20th April 2013, 12 noon

This meeting is now confirmed and we have a special VIP guest to come and talk to us.  Attendance will be by invitation only - volunteers have first refusal so I would be very grateful if you could let me know whether you can attend.  After that, depending on places available, we may invite some representatives of other local groups etc.

Warm Homes Healthy People Scheme

We arranged a table for the Rural Coffee Caravan and Warm Homes Scheme at the January Kesgrave Market and they came to talk to us at our meeting afterwards. They also gave us a few mugs, bags and other goodies which was very generous of them. If you know of anyone who is struggling with their heating, the Warm Home Schemes can help and have a sizeable fund for this year’s scheme which, in theory, finishes in March. It’s council backed and the number to call is 08456 037 686. The website is

Lofty Heights

I have added their details, along with a few other organisations, to the blog.  They will clear lofts for people at hopefully a reasonable cost and this “unblocks” the problem some people have in taking advantage of free insulation schemes, etc. I have plenty of leaflets if anyone wants them.

Kesgrave WI

As some of you will have spotted in your Kesgrave News, the WI are having an “at home” event – afternoon tea and entertainment - for housebound residents on April 8th. They will pick up and drop off attendees if needed.

KGNS Funding

Most of you will now know that we are fully funded for 2013 thanks in large part to a very generous grant from local charity SPARKS. Funding may be less straightforward in future years and we’d like to organise a small event in 2013 to raise some funds ourselves. Current ideas include a sponsored walk around the streets of Kesgrave, a roadshow, a craft fair and a scarecrow festival. More suggestions to come and all ideas welcome! If possible we’d like to avoid needing to hire a venue.

Spreading The Word

Thanks to a specific project based grant from The Suffolk Foundation we are in the process of having enough cards printed to drop through every letterbox in Kesgrave. Distribution of the cards will start in March so we’ll be expecting/hoping the phone to be a bit busier! Having said that we are averaging more than one call a week now and have had some very successful visits.

Phone Rota

Attached is the new phone rota.

Next Social Meeting For Existing Volunteers Or Those Who Might Be Interested In Volunteering

Wednesday 27th February 2013, 7 30pm, Kesgrave Social Club


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